On August 8, 2017, the state council committee on “The 13th five-year plan for road traffic safety” put forward clearly strengthen and improve the road traffic data collection, optimization of information collection, and timely amend and consummates standard specification about the accident investigation found loopholes and defects, in order to promote road traffic safety and economic and social coordinated development.
In response tothe 19th CPC National Congress about building a powful transportationcountry strategy strategy, as well as In the 13th five-year plan about improving the level of the national road network intelligent traffic, at the same time to carry out special traffic industry safety in production meeting spirit, and highway operating managers als try their best to improve road safety operation management level, promote the development of all level intelligent process.
Intelligent transportation refers to various advanced technology used in transportation system, process the traffic information, use the operational research, artificial intelligence and automatic control technology to control the transportation and information service, in order to promote interaction between vehicle, road, and people, and eventually make intelligent transportation service and management, safe and efficient.The overall architecture of intelligent transportation is divided into three layers: the perception and collection layer of traffic information, the processing and transmission layer of traffic information, and the release layer of traffic information. Among them, the most basic is the collection layer of traffic information.
At present, due to the lack of accurate and effective traffic data collection, the technical means of real-time traffic situation perception and the corresponding facilities, China's highway management and operation, especially the high incidence of accidents in the tunnel group section is facing a certain development bottleneck. So we must establish a set of reliable live perception system and traffic accident forecast warning system to perfect network system of traffic state awareness, improve the road safety operation management level of highway as well as abnormal, emergency disposal efficiency, effectively prevent and reduce road traffic accidents and speed up to accelerate the essential foundation of road tunnel intelligent traffic process.
The highway tunnel is in a semi-closed space, and the only place to communicate with the outside world is the entrance and exit at both ends. When there is a fire, collapse or traffic accident inside the tunnel, there is only one way out for the injured and trapped people and vehicles inside the tunnel: evacuate to the entrance and exit at both ends of the tunnel. At the same time investigation and rescuing personnel, vehicle facilities and equipment also only one access to the tunnel. So with ordinary comparison of road traffic accident, escaping and related personnel to evacuate the scene, a traffic accident investigators and firefighters rescuing work for the tunnel traffic accident has considerable difficulty, while poor escape and rescue work will make matters worse, and even more serious disaster will be caused.
The poor visibility of lighting facilities in highway tunnels makes rescue and rescue difficult, and it is difficult to grasp the forms and development status of accidents due to the lack of offensive roads, small leeway. In addition, the space in the tunnel is narrow and the ventilation is not good. Once the accident causes a fire, the internal power facilities are easily paralyzed, especially the lighting in the tunnel is partially or completely extinguished, making it more difficult to deal with and rescue. Once there are flammable and explosive hazardous substances, toxic substances leakage explosion, it is difficult to imagine what the consequences will be. The harmfulness of accidents in tunnels is much more complicated and difficult to deal with than imagined. Therefore, it is urgent to strengthen the construction of fire escape facilities in tunnels and effectively prevent accidents.
Radar dynamic imaging sensing technology can real-time monitoring traffic flow in all weather conditions, and is free from influence of glare, all black, snow, fog, smoke, fire, oil, automobile exhaust and other light environment conditions. It not only dynamic monitoring and early warn traffic events including slow, stop, reverse, retrograde, U line of , but also can record real-time latitude and longitude, size speed, direction, trajectory of target vehicle, and accurately distinguish pedestrians, animals and debris for all monitoring sections in the road real-time, accurate dynamic monitoring and early warning.
Tunnel operation safety environment perception and traffic incident emergency disposal ability depends on the perception of accuracy and real-time performance of traffic status. Whether it is a dark adaptation, light adaptation and other light conditions, or any abnormal traffic events, such as vehicle failure, parking, pedestrians intruding or collision, congestion and so on, as well as smoke, fire emergency conditions in tunnel, monitoring center will receive every 24 hours < 1 real-time monitoring and alarm of false positives with the tunnel security dynamic monitoring system
In addition, the advanced omnidirectional wide-area wide-area millimeter-wave radar technology can be applied in this system to pre-warning the fire before the fire detection system sensor. Radar can find real time vehicle’s abnormal events before emergency, like slow down, stop, over speed, collision, etc., and the alarm information will be sent to management personnel first time for providing the earliest time window of event processing. And it also can penetrate smoke, explosion and other visual invisible barrier, and accurately position the running status of trapped pedestrian, vehicle running status in real time.it is a best solution for tunnel operation safety and emergency rescue.
When the alarm is triggered, according to abnormal events plan the system at the same time through variable message sign, variable speed limit signs, directional signs distribute automatically abnormal events warning to driver and conductor, realizing dynamic control and induction of traffic speed, increasing the road capacity, reduce traffic congestion, and preventing the secondary accidents and serial accidents.